Patrick Snape

Sat 11 January 2014


Offscreen Rendering In Linux

One of the techniques that I've been investigating recently, called Morphable Models, involves optimising the position and appearance of a 3D model in relation to a single image. In particular, the model must be rasterized in to the scene to allow for optimising over the accuracy of the fitting. This rasterisation step is reasonably easy, but something that I wanted to be able to run on a headless Linux (Ubuntu) cluster. Unfortunately, this machine does not contain a graphics card. Therefore, I thought it would be good to layout the differences between different types of 'headless' rendering, and what exactly they mean.

The term headless rendering (or offscreen rendering), seems to imply a number of differing rendering choices. ‘Headless rendering’ might involve rendering a scene:

  • Without showing a window
  • On a headless server (no active window manager)
  • Without any graphics card (software rendering)

Each of these options obviously requires a different solution. In the next few sections I'm going to give a practical example of getting each type of 'headless' rendering working using VTK, and in particlar, Mayavi.

Unfortunately, the way to do these things changes a lot between VTK versions. I have chosen VTK 5.8 because I am particularly interested in using it for offscreen rendering using Mayavi in Python and Mayavi only (at the time of writing) supports VTK 5.8. Therefore, my examples will assume that we are attempting to use VTK 5.8.

Without showing a window

This is exactly the same as the example given in the Mayavi documentation:

from mayavi import mlab
mlab.options.offscreen = True

This just involves setting the offscreen option to True. However, this assume that you are rendering inside an active X11 session. This obviously implies the existence of a graphics card!

On a headless server (no X11)

This, as documented in the Mayavi documentation, involves providing a virtual X11 buffer. This requires the command xvfb-run, which can be installed using apt-get:

sudo apt-get install xvfb

Once installed, a virtual X11 frame buffer can be provided with the command:

xvfb-run --server-args="-screen 0 1024x768x24" python

You will still probably want to use the offscreen flag as previously shown!

Software rendering

This is when things start to get particularly tricky. In the case, we need to compile a custom version of VTK 5.8 that is linked against an appropriate software renderer. In the case of Linux, this is OSMesa. Now, given that we are running on Linux, we will want to use the fastest software rasterizer we can, which is llvmpipe. Therefore, we begin the complex process of building VTK 5.8 with offscreen rendering support. I was unable to generalise this process, and only able to get it working for very specific versions of the requisite libraries. Confirmation of using more recent versions is greatly appreciated.

Building OSMesa

Download OSMesa 9.2.3 from here. You will need to make sure you have all the dependencies as outlined here, but most probably, for Ubuntu, you will need

sudo apt-get install scons flex bison

You will also need LLVM with version greater than 3.0. I managed to get it working by installing LLVM 3.2 (though I think 3.3 works as well):

sudo apt-get install llvm-3.2-dev llvm-3.2-source

Given that we got this from aptitude, it doesn’t seem to setup LLVM properly, so we need to set up the correct sumbolic link to llvm-config:

sudo ln -s /usr/bin/llvm-config-3.2 /usr/local/bin/llvm-config

We can then build llvmpipe by navigating in to the extracted OSMesa folder and executing:

scons llvm=yes build=release mesa osmesa libgl-xlib

Which has then successfully built llvmpipe and OSMesa.

Building Offscren VTK 5.8

Download VTK 5.8 from here.

Unzip it, make a folder called build inside it and then create a new script inside build called

Inside, paste the following script:


cmake \
 -DOPENGL_gl_LIBRARY=${MESA_INSTALL_PREFIX}/build/linux-x86_64/gallium/targets/libgl-xlib/ \
 -DOPENGL_glu_LIBRARY=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ \
 -DOSMESA_LIBRARY=${MESA_INSTALL_PREFIX}/build/linux-x86_64/mesa/drivers/osmesa/ \

Where MESA_INSTALL_PREFIX is the absolute path to wherever you extracted the OSMesa archive.

You can then run make to make VTK, which takes a while. You may want to use the -j switch to decrease compile times.

Once VTK is finished, we can set up a virtualenv to use the offscreen VTK.

Setting up Mayavi

Create a virtualenv, then cd to PATH_TO_VTK5.8/build/Wrapping/Python, where PATH_TO_VTK5.8 is the absolute path to wherever you built VTK 5.8.

You can then install it in to the virtualenv by running

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=PATH_TO_VTK5.8/build/bin/ python install

Then, to test it worked, run

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/PATH_TO_VTK5.8/build/bin/ python

Then try

import vtk

which should work without error. Then install mayavi by running

pip install numpy

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/PATH_TO_VTK5.8/build/bin/ pip install mayavi

Then, we can test everything worked by running

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/PATH_TO_VTK5.8/build/bin/ python

and trying

from mayavi import mlab
mlab.options.offscreen = True

which should successfully create the image!

In order to avoid pre-pending every command with LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/PATH_TO_VTK5.8/build/bin/, you can update your LD_LIBRARY_PATH using any of the normal ways on Linux (creating a conf file in /etc/ or updating your .bashrc file).

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